Sara Korkeamäki

Sara Korkeamäki

Visual designer
+358 45 261 5006

Sara Korkeamäki, visual designer

Sara is Innoman’s latest newcomer. She started working at Innoman in October 2020 as a visual designer for a workbook project, after which she has continued in similar positions.

– In Innoman’s work, I am most interested in developing myself as a creative design professional. This is my first official work in my field, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to try out my wings already while I am studying. In addition, I want to develop my collaboration skills, present my own opinion, and become more confident as a designer.

In the future, Sara wants to be a landscape architect. She has been studying at Aalto University for three years, the first two in the major of design, and the last in landscape architecture. In landscape architecture, Sara is most interested in strengthening the connection between people and nature and in designing solutions to curb climate change.

– I feel a great connection with nature. I couldn’t feel more alive than sitting in the middle of nature and watching the world live around me. How a pike flies in clear shore water, how a spider braids its net and grabs its prey, or how thousands of geese fly through the night sky. That’s when I feel whole. I want to help other people find this side of themselves through landscape architecture; this side hidden by consumer society, the world of social media and the concrete jungle. Nature also plays an important role in my design as a source of inspiration and resources.

In her free time, Sara cycles, paints, goes to the gym, moves in nature and does all kinds of creative projects. In her most recent project, she has studied natural pigments and their use in painting.